It has been a long time since I posted last. It seems as though so many things have happened and so much time has gone by. Writing these posts seemed easier before. They seemed to flow very smoothly. What happened? Why has there been so much time gone by? What was I up too?
Thinking back, everything got so busy. The summer was full traveling to the US and then Ireland. Then once I was back home in Leipzig, school started and I had to concentrate on work. New teachers in my department needed assistance, a new program in grade 11 needed a lot of attention, and I had two art shows lined up, plus two more that were not planned. That's what happened. Wow. It was such a crazy time getting everything ready. All at once.
Before flying to the US in July, I was offered to display my work at Linguarama for the summer. I loaded all the paintings up and hung them at their downtown office. It had been years since I last hung new work on their walls. It was good to know the work would be seen while I was away. We had a nice closing reception in August before taking down the show.
In September I worked with two artists to show our work at the Kirow Factory during the weekend of the Spinnerei Rundgang, where the galleries and art studios had open houses and exhibition receptions. It was a great opportunity . It was fun showing work along with Karli Haupt and Ewan Cameron. It was an experience. Karli was a great host.
At the same time I was invited to show work in Altenburg, Germany at the Reichenbach Palace. The exhibition was during the same weekend in September. So all six Meta-Triptychs were on display but at two locations, an hour's drive away from one another. It was also a great opportunity. Many visitors were there to see the art and many more were there to see the building, which was open to the public during the historical society's open house weekend. It was also an opportunity to meet some local artists. Included in the show was the artist group Tacheles from Berlin, Michael Fischer-Art, Beck, Yvonne Kuschel, Carolin Okon, and Anthony Lowe among others.
Ostthüringer Zeitung, September 15, 2014 |
Then shortly thereafter, I was asked to exhibit all the paintings at Webervogel for the grand Gala! This was a wonderful grand opening that I was happy to have taken part. Catherine Chalk held a huge event with lots of press for her new textile house. It was very well attended.
Last but not least, I got word that I could hang two paintings on the exhibition wall in the Noch Besser Leben. The work went up in October and will soon be coming down. The second half of 2014 was booked with exhibitions. I am very happy to have had each of these opportunities. Now it is time to look forward to 2015. With six new paintings on the way, I am working toward showing the set of 12 together in a suitable arts venue. I think to expand to Berlin and Dresden would be beneficial. So if you are interested and can help get my work out there, please share these posts, forward links to , and comment below. Many thanks to all those who have helped along the way throughout 2014!